About the event
Can you succinctly describe what your company does – without simply explaining the business strategy? What do you do for people, businesses, or society, beyond selling a product or service? What is your Purpose?
Transparency, authenticity and social responsibility are watch words for the new age of Purpose. We have never seen a bigger push by brands to clearly demonstrate their value to the world beyond adding to their bottom line. Yet, even with all of the positive noise being made about CSR, social investments and staff wellness initiatives, we still see these undertakings isolated from, and largely irrelevant to the core business strategy. It matters more than ever now, with Covid-19 having further exposed the frailties within our society.
This begs the question, is there a contradiction between the commercial interests of brands and what customers expect in terms of social responsibility? Or is it simply that existing initiatives are often a shallow attempt to retrofit a conscience onto a commercial enterprise?
Brands like Patagonia seem to be on everyone’s lips when discussing sustainable responsible business practices. But why is Patagonia still our go-to example in the search for the authentically Purpose-led brands? Are we that starved of other clear examples?
At Siegel+Gale, we want to unwrap and clarify the idea of being Purpose-led through our unique lens of Simplicity. Join us for our interactive breakout forum to share ideas with industry leaders and inspire positive change within business that can also ultimately drive growth.
Date: 19th October 2021
Time: 18:00 BST
Contact Details
Event information: Carys.Stanton@progressivemediainternational.com