About the event
With mass vaccination roll out on the horizon, we believe this will lead to a fast and sustained economic recovery. Financial executive leadership will play a vital role in capturing and managing the demand-led growth in a post-pandemic world and will be relied upon to lead and execute digital transformation within organisations. Learn how Finance leaders are re-imagining the Finance function to drive growth by embracing digital technologies, such as automation and machine learning, to rapidly adapt to disruption.
Join us for this invitation-only roundtable where our Keynote Speaker, Dr Stefan Borchers Managing Director Finance & Services Vaillant GmbH, to discuss the challenges the finance function has faced since the start of the pandemic, and how it is seen as even more of a business enabler across the whole enterprise.
Date: Thursday 18th November 2021
Time: 11am CET – 12.30pm CET
Location: Invitation-Only Zoom Roundtable
Contact Details
Event information : carys.stanton@progressivemediainternational.com
If you would like to participate : sanjeev.dole@progressivemediainternational.com