
Automation is not transformation, and technology alone will not achieve finance’s objectives. Leading finance executives know the calculus for transforming F&A to support growth, reducing costs and increasing business agility is based on several key best practices and organisation fundamentals.

Join us for this exclusive, invitation-only boardroom dinner where Adam Murray, CFO at Flight Centre will share insights and tips on how to champion change to achieve the promises of finance transformation


Time Session
18:00 Champagne Reception & Networking
18:30 Guests seated and welcome by FDE
18:50 Introductory address by Cognizant
18:55 Guest Speaker, Adam Murray, CFO, Flight Centre
19:10 Moderated Discussion
19:40 Break & Networking
20:00 Dinner is served, informal discussion continues
21:25 Closing remarks
21:30 End of briefing & further networking
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