In an ever-evolving landscape, financial services firms need to be agile if they are to stay ahead and remain competitive – and developing a skills-based people strategy is key to helping achieve this. Identifying talent within the organisation, and creating an environment that encourages training, mentorship and career development, will result in a more engaged and collaborative workforce, allowing them, as well as the business, to thrive.
Join us for this invitation-only dinner where Inna Landman, SVP People & Purpose at Workday, will discuss how upskilling and reskilling current employees can help build a more adaptable and resilient organisation, and enable financial institutions to prepare for future industry demands.
18.00: Champagne Reception & Networking
18:30: Guests seated and welcome by Future Banking
18:55: Keynote address by Inna Landman, SVP People & Purpose, Workday
19:10: Moderated Discussion
19:40: Break & Networking
20:00: Dinner is served, informal discussion continues
21:25: Closing remarks