In the world of digital native consumers, personalized packaging hits a sweet spot. What once seemed like an up-and-coming trend is now here to stay and has become a permanent feature of the product packaging landscape. Package personalization offers tremendous benefits for brand owners as they seek to attract and engage with consumers, and has cemented itself as a permanent force in product design and promotion strategies.
During this webinar we will take a closer look at the key packaging trends. We’ll also review what it takes to develop personalized packaging designs. And we will explore how new technology solutions, such as direct-to-glass digital printing can help brands to unlock the power of personalization and develop appealing, customized packaging solutions.
Register now for free
- 13:30 CET: Welcome
- 13:45 CET: Packaging Design Trends
- 14:25 CET: Packaging personalization & its relevancy
- 15:05 CET: Designing personalised packaging with O-I : EXPRESSIONS
- 15:45 CET: Case studies from brand owners
- 16:15 CET: Networking
Do not miss this opportunity to exchange with experts and brand owners!
Sculpt your glass packaging: https://discoverexpressions.com/