Erfahren Sie von Jenbacher Experten mehr über die Zukunft von Wasserstoff in der D-A-CH-Region in unserem kostenlosen Online-Seminar.

Europa hat es sich zum Ziel gesetzt, bis 2050 klimaneutral zu werden. Dabei handelt es sich um eine weltweite Entwicklung, in deren Mittelpunkt die Umstellung von vorwiegend fossilen Energiesystemen hin zu Energiesystemen mit niedrigem oder keinem CO2-Ausstoß steht. Um dies zu erreichen, muss es zu einem starken Wachstum der bekannten erneuerbaren Energieerzeugungslösungen wie der volatilen Wind- und Solar-PV (RES) kommen. Um eine stabile und kontinuierliche Energieversorgung zu gewährleisten, bedarf es einer flexiblen Backup-Lösung welche am besten durch disponierbare Gaskraftwerke bereitgestellt werden kann, idealerweise mit flexiblen Gasmotoren, die mit erneuerbaren Gasen und Wasserstoff betrieben werden.

Jenbacher ist als Thought Leader im Bereich erneuerbare Gase und Wasserstoff gut positioniert:

  • Wir haben mit unserem Partner HanseWerk Natur ein Pilotprojekt mit einem Gasmotor, der zu 100% mit Wasserstoff betrieben wird, gestartet
  • Unser Produktportfolio umfasst fünf Baureihen, die mit hohen Wasserstoffanteil oder sogar mit 100% Wasserstoff betrieben werden können
  • Ca. 6.000 Jenbacher Gasmotoren von INNIO werden in Europa heute schon mit Biogas oder Biomethan betrieben
  • Gasmotoren eignen sich bestens, um sowohl mit Erdgas als auch mit 100% erneuerbaren Brennstoffen betrieben zu werden

Was wir bis jetzt erreicht haben:

Erste Umrüstung eines Gasmotors von Erdgas auf 100% Wasserstoff in Zusammenarbeit mit HanseWerk Natur in Hamburg
Das Jenbacher-Pilot-BHKW von HanseWerk Natur in Hamburg-Othmarschen ist der Beweis dafür, dass der Betrieb eines Gasmotors mit reinem Wasserstoff kein Wunschtraum mehr ist – auch nicht auf industrieller Ebene. Hierbei handelt es sich um den ersten Gasmotor in der 1 MW Klasse, der sowohl zu 100% mit Erdgas als auch mit einer variablen Wasserstoff-Erdgas-Mischung mit bis zu 100% Wasserstoffanteil betrieben werden kann. Das umgerüstete BHKW versorgt zuverlässig 30 Wohneinheiten, einen Sportplatz, einen Kindergarten und das Erholungszentrum in Othmarschen mit 13.000 Megawattstunden Fernwärme pro Jahr. Die erzeugte Elektrizität versorgt E-Autos an den Ladestationen in der mehrstöckigen Parkgarage in Othmarschen und wird auch in das Stromnetz vor Ort eingespeist. Mehr zu diesem herausragenden Projekt erfahren Sie in unserem Online Seminar.

Welche grünen Brennstoffe kommen in der Zukunft zum Einsatz?
Grünes, synthetisches Methan oder Biomethan als ideale Ergänzung und Ersatz für Erdgas.
Synthetisches Methan wird durch Methanisierung aus grünem Wasserstoff hergestellt. Da es über dieselben physikalischen Eigenschaften wie Erdgas verfügt, kann es ohne Einschränkungen und Umrüstungen der Gas-Infrastruktur in das Erdgassystem eingespeist werden. Alle Endverbraucher von Gas, einschließlich Gasmotoren, können weiterhin zuverlässig mit den derzeitigen optimierten Leistungs- und Emissionsstandards betrieben werden.

Grüner Wasserstoff als CO2-freier Brennstoff
Wasserstoff kann eine wichtige Rolle spielen, wenn es darum geht, fossiles Erdgas zu ersetzen. Es ist im Grunde genommen CO2-frei und kann als Brennstoff für Gasmotoren verwendet werden. Im Laufe der nächsten Jahrzehnte könnte das weitere Wachstum von Windparks und PV-Anlagen grünen Wasserstoff über Power-to-Gas liefern. Obwohl Wasserstoff sich von Erdgas unterscheidet, kann dieser in Pipelines und Tanks transportiert und gespeichert werden und die bestehende Erdgasinfrastruktur weiter genutzt werden. Abschließend kann Wasserstoff in verschiedensten Branchen eingesetzt werden, u. a. Industrie, Wärmeerzeugung, Transport und Energieerzeugung.

INNIO Jenbacher betreibt schon seit mehreren Jahren Gasmotoren mit hohem Wasserstoffanteil im Brenngas. Stahlgase und synthetische Gase mit einem hohen Wasserstoffanteil von bis zu 70%(v) werden aktuell eingesetzt. Bei aktuellen Projekten kommen Mischungen mit Erdgas und einem Wasserstoffanteil von bis zu 60%(v) zum Einsatz. Es besteht eine hohe Flexibilität bei der Beimischung von Wasserstoff zu Erdgas als Brennstoff für Jenbacher Gasmotoren. In Zukunft werden Gasmotoren auch mit 100% Wasserstoff betrieben werden.
Wasserstoff könnte auch in Erdgas-Pipelines zugemischt werden. In diesem Fall ist es absolut wichtig, dass die Informationen über den Wasserstoffgehalt dem Endverbraucher, der die Gasmotoren betreibt, zur Verfügung steht. Jenbacher empfiehlt, ein Signal über den Wasserstoffgehalt im Pipeline-Gas zur Verfügung zu haben, insbesondere wenn dieser über 5 %(v) liegt.

Was Sie wissen sollten:

    Bei Umstellung von Erdgas auf

  • Biomethan oder grünes, synthetisches Methan… ist keine Umrüstung notwendig.
  • Pipeline-Gas mit einem höheren Anteil von grünen Wasserstoff … gibt es bei mehr als 5%(v) H2 Anteil ab 2022 „Ready for H2“ Lösungen von INNIO Jenbacher die auch als Feldupgrades bei Bedarf verfügbar sein werden.
  • Erdgas mit lokal beigemischten grünen Wasserstoff… gibt es nicht nur die herkömmlichen Sondergaslösungen von INNIO Jenbacher, sondern auch die ersten dualen Brennstofflösungen für 100% Erdgas- und 100% Wasserstoffbetrieb mit der Baureihe 4.
  • Reinen, grünen Wasserstoff… gibt es derzeit die Baureihe 4 die mit 100% Wasserstoff betrieben werden kann. Weitere Baureihen werden später folgen.

Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung mit grünem Gas und >90% Brennstoffnutzungsgrad

Jenbacher Gasmotoren können bei KWK-Anwendungen eine Brennstoffnutzungsgrad von 90 % und mehr erreichen. Dadurch wird in der Regel etwa 30 % weniger Primärenergie verbraucht als bei der getrennten Erzeugung von Strom und Wärme.
Da erneuerbare Brennstoffe kostenintensiver sind als Erdgas und deren Verfügbarkeit knapp ist, ist es noch wichtiger, dass wir den Energieeinsatz so weit wie möglich reduzieren. In Verbindung mit Systemen zur Wärmespeicherung können KWK-Anlagen mit Gasmotoren flexibel betrieben werden. KWK-Anlagen mit Gasmotoren sind daher eine disponierbare erneuerbare Energiequelle (dRES) und eine ideale Ergänzung zu volatilen erneuerbaren Energiequellen wie Wind und Sonne.


Die Verwendung von erneuerbaren Gasen und Wasserstoff in Gasmotoren ist wesentlich wirtschaftlicher als ein rein elektrisches Energiesystem mit seinem hohen Bedarf an Stromnetzausbau und Speicherkapazitäten, um eine ausreichende Reserve zu gewährleisten.
Gasmotoren sind eine bewährte Technologie zur dezentralen Erzeugung von Strom und Wärme mit einem Brennstoffnutzungsgrad von über 90% und können mit einer großen Bandbreite an CO2-freien oder klimaneutralen Brennstoffen betrieben werden, was sie zu einer exzellenten, planbaren und erneuerbaren Energiequelle macht.

Gemeinsam mit unseren Kollegen von Jenbacher Deutschland teilen unsere Experten mit Ihnen unsere umfassenden Kenntnisse und Erfahrungen und helfen Ihnen bei der Entscheidung wie sie ihre Projekte zukunftssicher machen können.
Jenbacher Gasmotoren sind bereit für das Wasserstoff-Zeitalter!.
Registrieren Sie sich noch heute für unser kostenloses Online-Seminar!



GD Platform Test Event 3

27th September 2021

The main outcome of this test event is for you all to log in and have a look at the different features offered;

  • Bulletin popups
  • Meeting feature
  • Sponsor booth
GlobalData Media Masterclass – Mining and Energy Business Media Masterclass

15th December 2021

A series of boutique training events which aim to super-charge your marketing and PR teams.
These sessions are aimed at chief marketing officers, PR managers and even CEOs who
want to sharpen their skills and better engage with a B2B audience.
GlobalData is the fastest growing business intelligence provider on the London Stock
Exchange and publishes some of the leading news websites in the sectors, including: Mining
Technology, Power Technology, Energy Monitor, Pharmaceutical Technology, Verdict,
Retail Banker and The Accountant.

Press Gazette – Future of Media, is the world’s leading news and analysis website for
content professionals in the news industry.

Together they will use their expertise, and bring in a range of talented outside speakers, to
help you produce intelligent and effective PR and marketing campaigns which help you to grow
your business.

This masterclass is aimed at everyone from the company owner who needs
to know more about marketing to seasoned professionals who need to update their skills. A
series of sharp, focused 40-minute sessions packed with great-take aways and learning points.
Exclusive Media Masterclass Intelligence Report for each delegate – featuring exclusive
audience data from Press Gazette and research analysis from GlobalData.


14:00 GMT: Media Intelligence.
Sector specific media briefing: Presentation of unique audience data and B2B+B2C audience overview. What are the leading brands? Who reads them? Who are the leading journalists influencers? (Each delegate will be given their own intelligence report tailored to their sector to take home).

Presenter: Dominic Ponsford – editor in chief, Press Gazette

14:30: Martech Masterclass. Speakers include: Rob Jay, chief marketing office of GlobalData. Sam Fairburn, marketing director New Statesman Media Group.

What are the latest trends in Martech? How can AI and automation boost your marketing effectiveness? How can you apply technology to boost effectiveness of various marketing channels: email, native content, in-house websites and blogs, social. How to use various channels to prospect and nurture new customers and communicate with your existing base

15:00 to 15:40: Meet the journalists. Panel session featuring:

Phillipa Nuttall – editor of Energy Monitor

George Demetri – editor Tunnels and Tunneling

Dominic Ponsford – editor in chief, Press Gazette

15.40 to 16.20: Presenting to the Media Workshop: Talking to journalists, presentation and crisis management. How to get your message across and how to manage the media when things go wrong.

Presenter: Chris Blackhurst, former Independent editor and Evening Standard business editor (top ten crisis and reputation management, PR Week).

16:20: Future Themes Briefing. Industry-specific themes briefing: How to position your business and your message to embrace the themes which the media and customers care about from AI and IoT to regulation and sustainability. Why themes matter to modern media. What are the threats and opportunities?

Presenter: Cyrus Mewawalla, head of thematic research, GlobalData. Pundit, BBC, CNBC and Bloomberg

16:50: SEO Simplified. What business leaders need to know to ensure customers can find them on Google. Top level overview including latest intel on how algorithm updates affect business to business marketing and communcations. Briefing for your own websites and what you need to know

17:20: to close…Reflections, discussion and recap on key learning points. Workshopped discussion about how to implement key learning points at your business.


In depth, data-filled report for all delegates. Follow-up one on one calls on request with Dominic Ponsford

GlobalData Media Masterclass – Financial Services Media Masterclass

24th November 2021

A series of boutique training events which aim to super-charge your marketing and PR teams.
These sessions are aimed at chief marketing officers, PR managers and even CEOs who
want to sharpen their skills and better engage with a B2B audience.
GlobalData is the fastest growing business intelligence provider on the London Stock
Exchange and publishes some of the leading news websites in the sectors, including: Mining
Technology, Power Technology, Energy Monitor, Pharmaceutical Technology, Verdict,
Retail Banker and The Accountant.

Press Gazette – Future of Media, is the world’s leading news and analysis website for
content professionals in the news industry.

Together they will use their expertise, and bring in a range of talented outside speakers, to
help you produce intelligent and effective PR and marketing campaigns which help you to grow
your business.

This masterclass is aimed at everyone from the company owner who needs
to know more about marketing to seasoned professionals who need to update their skills. A
series of sharp, focused 40-minute sessions packed with great-take aways and learning points.
Exclusive Media Masterclass Intelligence Report for each delegate – featuring exclusive
audience data from Press Gazette and research analysis from GlobalData.


14:00 GMT: Media Intelligence.
Sector specific media briefing: Presentation of unique audience data and B2B+B2C audience overview. What are the leading brands? Who reads them? Who are the leading journalists influencers? (Each delegate will be given their own intelligence report tailored to their sector to take home).

Presenter: Dominic Ponsford – editor in chief, Press Gazette

14:30: Martech Masterclass. Speakers include: Rob Jay, chief marketing office of GlobalData. Sam Fairburn, marketing director New Statesman Media Group.

What are the latest trends in Martech? How can AI and automation boost your marketing effectiveness? How can you apply technology to boost effectiveness of various marketing channels: email, native content, in-house websites and blogs, social. How to use various channels to prospect and nurture new customers and communicate with your existing base

15:00 to 15.40: Meet the journalists. Panel session featuring:

Ana Gyorkos – editorial director and financial services editor in chief The Accountant, Retail Banker and associated brands for GlobalData

Daniel Flatt – editor in chief Capital Monitor

Will Dunn – business editor, New Statesman

Dominic Ponsford – editor in chief, Press Gazette

15.40 to 16.20: Presenting to the Media Workshop: Talking to journalists, presentation and crisis management. How to get your message across and how to manage the media when things go wrong.

Presenter: Chris Blackhurst, former Independent editor and Evening Standard business editor (top ten crisis and reputation management, PR Week).

16:20: Future Themes Briefing. Industry-specific themes briefing: How to position your business and your message to embrace the themes which the media and customers care about from AI and IoT to regulation and sustainability. Why themes matter to modern media. What are the threats and opportunities?

Presenter: Cyrus Mewawalla, head of thematic research, GlobalData. Pundit, BBC, CNBC and Bloomberg

16:50: SEO Simplified. What business leaders need to know to ensure customers can find them on Google. Top level overview including latest intel on how algorithm updates affect business to business marketing and communcations. Briefing for your own websites and what you need to know

17:20: to close…Reflections, discussion and recap on key learning points. Workshopped discussion about how to implement key learning points at your business.


In depth, data-filled report for all delegates. Follow-up one on one calls on request with Dominic Ponsford

GlobalData Media Masterclass – Technology Media Masterclass

27th October 2021

A series of boutique training events which aim to super-charge your marketing and PR teams.
These sessions are aimed at chief marketing officers, PR managers and even CEOs who
want to sharpen their skills and better engage with a B2B audience.
GlobalData is the fastest growing business intelligence provider on the London Stock
Exchange and publishes some of the leading news websites in the sectors, including: Mining
Technology, Power Technology, Energy Monitor, Pharmaceutical Technology, Verdict,
Retail Banker and The Accountant.

Press Gazette – Future of Media, is the world’s leading news and analysis website for
content professionals in the news industry.

Together they will use their expertise, and bring in a range of talented outside speakers, to
help you produce intelligent and effective PR and marketing campaigns which help you to grow
your business.

This masterclass is aimed at everyone from the company owner who needs
to know more about marketing to seasoned professionals who need to update their skills. A
series of sharp, focused 40-minute sessions packed with great-take aways and learning points.
Exclusive Media Masterclass Intelligence Report for each delegate – featuring exclusive
audience data from Press Gazette and research analysis from GlobalData.


14:00 GMT: Media Intelligence.
Sector specific media briefing: Presentation of unique audience data and B2B+B2C audience overview. What are the leading brands? Who reads them? Who are the leading journalists influencers? (Each delegate will be given their own intelligence report tailored to their sector to take home).

Presenter: Dominic Ponsford – editor in chief, Press Gazette

14:30: Martech Masterclass. Speakers include: Rob Jay, chief marketing office of GlobalData. Sam Fairburn, marketing director New Statesman Media Group.

What are the latest trends in Martech? How can AI and automation boost your marketing effectiveness? How can you apply technology to boost effectiveness of various marketing channels: email, native content, in-house websites and blogs, social. How to use various channels to prospect and nurture new customers and communicate with your existing base

15:00 to 15:40: Meet the journalists. Panel session featuring:

Lewis Page – editor of, former editor in chief of The Register

Pete Swabey – editor of Tech Monitor, formerly senior editor at The Economist

Dominic Ponsford – editor in chief, Press Gazette

15.40 to 16.20: Presenting to the Media Workshop: Talking to journalists, presentation and crisis management. How to get your message across and how to manage the media when things go wrong.

Presenter: Chris Blackhurst, former Independent editor and Evening Standard business editor (top ten crisis and reputation management, PR Week).

16.20: Future Themes Briefing. Industry-specific themes briefing: How to position your business and your message to embrace the themes which the media and customers care about from AI and IoT to regulation and sustainability. Why themes matter to modern media. What are the threats and opportunities?

Presenter: Cyrus Mewawalla, head of thematic research, GlobalData. Pundit, BBC, CNBC and Bloomberg

16:50: SEO Simplified. What business leaders need to know to ensure customers can find them on Google. Top level overview including latest intel on how algorithm updates affect business to business marketing and communcations. Briefing for your own websites and what you need to know

17.20: to close…Reflections, discussion and recap on key learning points. Workshopped discussion about how to implement key learning points at your business.


In depth, data-filled report for all delegates. Follow-up one on one calls on request with Dominic Ponsford

About the event

Industry 4.0 is aimed at achieving efficiency through integrated smart systems, processes, sensors, data, analytics, and AI. It can be applied in key business areas including production, manufacturing, business support, and engineering. Industry 4.0 can support a holistic shift of production from a centralised to a decentralised model. The new ecosystem will allow smarter products, services, and plants that in turn might also support new business models and revenue sources.

However, realising the benefits of Industry 4.0 requires several technological layers including connectivity, an IoT platform, IoT as well as data analytics and AI to analyse the data generated by the machines. To stay competitive, companies must leverage the IoT and digitalisation to become much more agile and efficient.

Agenda Topics:

      • Factory of the future – smart manufacturing and AI to drive productivity & quality improvements​
      • Digital twin and SOC design transforming complexity into opportunity
      • Smart manufacturing and digital twins for the semiconductor industry
      • Driving toward predictive analytics with advanced manufacturing
      • Why edge computing is critical for industry 4.0 adoption plans?
      • Can private wireless solution drive industry 4.0 digital transformation
      • Industry 4.0 and cybersecurity – managing risk is in the connected world
      • 5G ultra-low latency for smart manufacturing
      • Designing 5G for future industrial IoT

Please check the Event Website for full agenda. 

About the event

As one of the widely used conventional drug delivery system, the injectable drug delivery technology market is expected to show significant growth in the coming years, due to various technological advancements and new product launches in order to improve the convenience and ease of administration of parenteral therapeutics. The global injectables market is anticipated to rise at a CAGR of 12.9% to reach USD 1,251.28 billion by the end of 2027.

Some of the major factors responsible for the growth of this market are the increasing use of biologics, increase in the prevalence of chronic diseases, and the benefits of injections. Injectable drug delivery helps to provide effective and speedy drug administration experience and is considered as one of the most efficient routes of delivery, thus ensuring improved patient experience.

In this webinar we invite the industry’s leading players to join us virtually and examine the latest developments, discuss what major trends are occurring across the industry, share insights  and showcase their products and technologies.

For more information about the agenda and speakers please click HERE

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Speaker opportunities :

Sponsorship opportunities :

About the event

This is a test event of the GD platform for internal purposes.

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About the event

With mass vaccination roll out on the horizon, we believe this will lead to a fast and sustained economic recovery. Financial executive leadership will play a vital role in capturing and managing the demand-led growth in a post-pandemic world and will be relied upon to lead and execute digital transformation within organisations. Learn how Finance leaders are re-imagining the Finance function to drive growth by embracing digital technologies, such as automation and machine learning, to rapidly adapt to disruption.

Join us for this invitation-only roundtable where our Keynote Speaker, Dr Stefan Borchers Managing Director Finance & Services Vaillant GmbH, to discuss the challenges the finance function has faced since the start of the pandemic, and how it is seen as even more of a business enabler across the whole enterprise.

Date: Thursday 18th November 2021

Time: 11am CET – 12.30pm CET

Location: Invitation-Only Zoom Roundtable

Contact Details

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If you would like to participate :

About the event

Despite the progress made in recent years it is clear that the entire industry needs to improve to meet the changing consumer and stakeholder expectations – not to mention resource challenges – on how packaging should be managed, what collaborations are needed to drive the industry forward and the future changes and challenges in packaging sustainability, circularity  and food safety. 

Recyclability in the design, recovery in the market, recycling and the creation of secondary materials are all areas where we have to make a lot of progress, and fast. 
Every time we design or redesign a package gives us the opportunity to improve on sustainability. Therefore it is important to regularly exchange knowledge on newest advances and to update the understanding of the global environment we operate in. 
As organisations plan their strategy for the next decade and determine their own sustainable packaging goals, many have questions about how they can set goals that fit their company, and then how to create viable actions plans making sustainable packaging a commercial reality. 

Sustainable Packaging virtual conference will provide expert content and key insights from top industry speakers in FMCG and retail, who are driving change in the sustainable packaging arena. The programme will be a mix of presentations, panels, and live QA sessions that will spark inspiration for new objectives and chart the path for new ways of achieving existing goals. 

Please check out the agenda and speakers HERE

Contact Details

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Speaker opportunities :

Sponsorship opportunities :